Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I don't believe what Mr. Obama says, because I see what he does
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Next Generation Nuclear Plant
This is a diagram of an advanced reactor designed to both produce electricity and hydrogen. The NRC presentation which discusses the design is available at
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Nuclear plant construction time can be cut 10 months by new Korea Hydro steel plate concrete method
The state-run company said the PC method uses prefabricated sections made by two steel plates embedded with "studs" that are made at factories and shipped to the construction site. Once they are in place, concrete is poured into the space between the plates to form solid walls. "This method is safer, faster, reduces environmental pollution and can be used in the construction of industrial plants and other facilities," a KHNP spokesperson said. The official said the new method was roughly two years ahead of similar research being conducted abroad.
In the past, contractors relied solely on the reinforced concrete method to make specially designed walls at nuclear power plants that required steel reinforcement bars to be built in place, molds to be set up to outline walls, and the space created by the molds filled with cement.
[Source: Yonhap News, "S. Korea develops process to cut time, cost to build nuke reactor", April 9, 2009]
Hillary Clinton's assessment seems a little off on Iran
Yucca Mountain - a breathtaking view
Nuclear power allows Vermont to emit less air pollution in a year than Wyoming does in a day
Source: William Tucker, "Go Ahead, Close Oyster Creek", planet gore blog (National Review Online), April 9, 2009
Mr. Tucker just published a book titled Terrestrial Energy: How Nuclear Power Will Lead the Green Revolution and End America’s Energy Odyssey. His article title about closing Oyster Creek is not because he thinks shutdown is warranted, but because New Jersey would be so hurt by shutdown that the resultant howling and gnashing would be instructive the rest of the country.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
ESBWR - design cert inspection identified 6 apparent violations at GE-Hitachi
05200010/2008-201-01 Open NOV
10 CFR Part 21: Failure to perform Part 21 evaluation when other GEH organization indicated that a software problem had impacted their use of the code
05200010/2008-201-02 Open NOV
Design Control: Failure to document the justification or rationale for the use a particular version of a non-Level 2 code during an alternate calculation to verify original calculations and developer's assumptions.
05200010/2008-201-03 Open NOV
Corrective Action: Failure to get ECP problem reports responses in a timely manner.
05200010/2008-201-04 Open NOV
Corrective Action: Failure to have adequate corrective action program for Level 1 software code errors.
05200010/2008-201-05 Open NOV
Audits: Failure to have the GEH NQA audit plans for 2006 and 2007.
05200010/2008-201-06 Open NOV
Audits: Failure to adequately document the basis of the audit findings to support the audit conclusions.
Fermi-3 - Army Corps of Engineers review process goes beyond Clean Water Act guidelines - 20 other public interest factors
For more info, see pdf of March 3, 2009 letter from ACS to NRC: John Konik (Engineering & Technical Services Chief, Army Corps of Engineers Detroit District's Regulatory Office), letter to NRC Office of New Reactors' Division of Site and Environmental Reviews, March 9, 2009 (ACN ML090850037)