Thursday, December 6, 2012

#Chernobyl - is it true that those who live in exclusion zone are living longer than evacuees? #nuclear

#Chernobyl - is it true that those who live in exclusion zone are living longer than evacuees? #nuclear

* Ted Rockwell: A recent study showed that people who refused to evacuate Chernobyl were happier and outlived the evacuees by 20 years, while the evacuees themselves were depressed and suicidal. There is nothing else that is as central to the issue as that one fact.

* [nuclear.COMment] The link provided by Mr. Rockwell isn't actually a study, and it doesn't suggest 20 years difference. Here's the relevant excerpt from the Telegraph newspaper story: The journalist Alexander Anisimov, who spent his career studying the self-settler community, claimed that the women who returned to their ancestral homes in the zone outlived those who left by a decade. No health studies have been done, but anecdotal evidence suggests that most of the babushkas die of strokes rather than any obvious radiation-related illnesses, and they have dealt better with the psychological trauma. Toxic levels of strontium and cesium in the soil are real, but so are the tug of the ancestral home and the health benefits of determining one’s own destiny.

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